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File List  |  1993-08-23  |  68KB  |  920 lines

  1. Filename       Size      Date    Description of File Contents
  2. ============ ========  ========  ============================================
  3. 16550U.ARJ      28318  03-24-93  16550 - A UART Control Program v1.0: designed
  4.                                | to allow the "unlocking" of the internal fifo
  5.                                | buffer present in the UART chip of the same
  6.                                | name; will scan COM ports 1-4 and report the
  7.                                | presence (if any...) of the 16550 UART,
  8.                                | allowing you to optionally set the various
  9.                                | parameters necessary to utilize this buffered
  10.                                | mode of operation; 03/11/93; Brent Turner.
  11. 174-BAS.EXE    268602  06-28-92  RBBS-PC 17.4: BASIC source code.
  12.                                | Files: 16  Oldest: 2/4/90  Newest: 6/20/92.
  13. 174-DOC.EXE    258210  06-28-92  RBBS-PC 17.4: Documenation. Over 700K!
  14.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 6/19/92  Newest: 6/20/92.
  15. 174-EXE.EXE    308924  06-28-92  RBBS-PC 17.4: Main executable files. RBBS-PC
  16.                                | is a highly customizable bulletin board
  17.                                | system with tons of features. RBBS-PC is
  18.                                | distributed under the USERWARE concept, which
  19.                                | means it's free (w/source code) and the users
  20.                                | of RBBS-PC enhances it. PCMagazine Editor's
  21.                                | Choice for Sept 90.
  22.                                | Files: 12  Oldest: 10/10/84  Newest: 6/21/92.
  23. 174-SMF.EXE    183410  06-28-92  RBBS-PC 17.4: Small-Fast Executable version
  24.                                | This one has error codes removed.
  25.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 6/20/92  Newest: 6/20/92.
  26. 174-UTL.EXE    255201  06-28-92  RBBS-PC 17.4: Extra utilities like FastFile
  27.                                | index, message purging, etc.
  28.                                | Files: 18  Oldest: 5/30/87  Newest: 6/20/92.
  29. 550DOC.ARJ       6055  03-17-93  All The Info Needed on 16550 Uart And The
  30.                                | Related Boards
  31.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 1/12/93  Newest: 2/24/93
  32. 6PORTS.EXE      18714  05-10-92  Allows up to six nodes to be used from one 
  33.                                | computer.
  34. ABHOST11.EXE    28960  06-18-92  Better Host 1.1, Host Program For Telix. 
  35. ACE151.ARJ     287155  05-23-93  AceComm & Utilities -- Communications Package
  36.                                | "Leading Software Technology" for todays hi-
  37.                                | speed modem. For IBM comapatibles running DOS
  38.                                | 3+.Featured-Full Package includes: powerful
  39.                                | user friendly interface, MACRO language,
  40.                                | keyboard redefinition, AutoScriptGen(tm),
  41.                                | internal protocols (include Zmodem/ZedZap),
  42.                                | autoengage trigger support external protocols
  43.                                | I/EMSI protocol,point mail/file request,menu
  44.                                | customizer, Keybd Sequence Translate compiler
  45.                                | Files: 26  Oldest: 5/17/93  Newest: 5/17/93
  46. ACE160.ARJ     351123  08-24-93  AceComm v1.60  7/25/93 Comm Package <ASP> -
  47.                                | Full-featured, somewhat complex, comm program
  48.                                | w/internal X/Y/Zmodem, "very configurational"
  49.                                | (macros, keyboard redef, more), full script
  50.                                | language & the usual terminal emulations.
  51.                                | EMSI/IEMSI, point mail, huge FON files,
  52.                                | online help, mouse support, Auto log on,
  53.                                | FIFO, color scroll back, point shoot file
  54.                                | lister, powerfull macros, AutoScriptGen(tm)
  55.                                | Supporting utils included
  56. ALLFILES.EXE    81995  01-25-93  List of available files from Lightning BBS
  57. ASCTDD11.EXE    31182  06-10-92  Program to enable PC Users with HAYES -
  58.                                | compatible Modems to communicate with Deaf
  59.                                | or hard of hearing people who have access to
  60.                                | an appropriate Telephone Device. Emulates an
  61.                                | ASCII TDD device (Telephone Device for the
  62.                                | Deaf). From Gallaudet University.
  63. ATOBR300.EXE    60175  09-25-92  ATOBRO v3.00: allows you to view CIS forum
  64.                                | library catalogs, complete catalogs/IBMNET
  65.                                | summary files, search for files, & generate
  66.                                | an Autosig script for fast downloading of
  67.                                | those files you've selected; 09/09/92; Vernon
  68.                                | D. Buerg/Don Watkins.
  69. ATSEND16.EXE    42931  09-28-92  Send modem commands via DOS and Batch files
  70. AUTO241.ARJ    110287  05-22-93  Auto BBS, version 2.41. Low memory use, low
  71.                                | cost, high value BBS system. All maintainence
  72.                                | automatic. Great for BBS systems when file
  73.                                | space is at a premium.
  74. AUTOROB2.ARJ     8552  06-28-93  Completly redesigned 4dos\Ndos front end for
  75.                                | Robocomm & Robomail.  Now schedule daily,
  76.                                | monthly & weelky events independent of
  77.                                | Robocomm's agendas.  Schedule automatic
  78.                                | import of .qwk files, del dups, pack Robocomm
  79.                                | and pack Robomail.
  80. AWNOTES.ARJ     44913  01-26-93  PC Anywhere setup notes from Symatec.
  81. BACKDR13.EXE    56322  05-10-92  BackDoor 1.3.
  82. BBS0992B.EXE    99327  09-13-92  TheList- IBM NATIONAL BBS LIST 09/07/92. 
  83. BGFT30A.EXE    307275  10-28-92  BGFT Version 3.00. Part 1/2. Use BackGround
  84.                                | File Transfer on your IBM/DOS computer. Now
  85.                                | Zmodem, use of hard drive, more floppy
  86.                                | support, new user interface, and install.
  87.                                | Part A will do a fast hard drive install;
  88.                                | additional features require Part B. Shareware
  89.                                | by Dirac Systems. .
  90. BGFT30B.EXE    123293  10-28-92  BGFT Version 3.00. Part 2/2.
  91. BGQWKB28.EXE    72712  05-19-92  Off line download utility to cut your phone
  92.                                | bills on boards using GT Power.
  93. BOYAN_1.EXE    154988  05-10-92  Version 4.0 has all the usual communication
  94. BOYAN_2.EXE    118148  05-10-92  features, but also includes BBS support.
  95. CBOX11.ARJ     118951  12-17-92  Catalog Toolbox 1.1: Control your CIS long
  96.                                | library catalogs! Sort catalogs by date, lib,
  97.                                | name, ext, type, ID, count or size. Full of
  98.                                | additional features/date ranges. Prints.
  99.                                | Searches entire entry, not just keywords.
  100.                                | Files: 8  Oldest: 11/23/92  Newest: 12/8/92
  101. CEXYZ99A.ARJ    56104  04-07-93  Dsz like windowed file transfer engine,
  102.                                | supports x, y, z modem protocols from the
  103.                                | author of blue wave. 
  104. CHKCD10.EXE     24778  08-13-92  Check for carrier on specified com ports.
  105. CILINKDU.ARJ   343682  08-24-93  █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
  106.                                | █ ░▒▓     Cedar Island Link V2.55     ▓▒░ █
  107.                                | █ Elegantly Simple to use MouseBased COMM █
  108.                                | █ program. Supports Zmodem auto & resume, █
  109.                                | █ Ymodem, YmodemG, Xmodem, Xmodem 1KG,    █
  110.                                | █ Kermit,ASCII,B+,extern. Scripts,macros  █
  111.                                | █ Auto GIF viewer. "Mouse Pass-through"   █
  112.                                | █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█
  113. CILNK255.EXE   356651  11-23-92  █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
  114.                                | █ ░▒▓     Cedar Island Link V2.55     ▓▒░ █
  115.                                | █ Elegantly Simple to use MouseBased COMM █
  116.                                | █ program. Supports Zmodem auto & resume, █
  117.                                | █ Ymodem, YmodemG, Xmodem, Xmodem 1KG,    █
  118.                                | █ Kermit,ASCII,B+,extern. Scripts,macros  █
  119.                                | █ Auto GIF viewer. "Mouse Pass-through"   █
  120.                                | █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█
  121.                                | Files: 7  Oldest: 11/10/92  Newest: 11/21/92
  122. CLSZ1109.EXE   117750  11-22-92  Classic ZCOMM 18.02.  ZCOMM for the power
  123.                                | bbs'er.  No graphic file transfer (like DSZ).
  124.                                | Extremely powerful.
  125.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 12/13/91  Newest: 11/9/92
  126. COM2TO4.ARJ      4097  07-07-92  Use COM 4 from DOS as COM 2. 
  127. COMAID10.ARJ     7596  03-24-93  Add COM3 and/or COM4 to the BIOS device table
  128.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 3/10/93  Newest: 3/10/93
  129. COMCHK15.EXE    44722  07-07-92  COMMCHK v1.5: used to analyze information on
  130.                                | a serial line by intercepting the information
  131.                                | and allowing you to view the captured
  132.                                | information in either a HEX format or in an
  133.                                | ASCII format, and may also be saved to a
  134.                                | files; 06/20/92.
  135. COMMLINK.ARJ   364014  07-05-93  COMM LINK v1.01: New and powerful
  136.                                | communications program. Works on most
  137.                                | systems. Worth a try!
  138.                                | Files: 89  04-30-91...06-12-93  New: 81
  139. COMMO55.ARJ    172695  07-28-93  {COMMO} is a very powerful, high-
  140.                                | performance, communications program.
  141.                                | Designed for the discriminating user, it
  142.                                | has professional features not found in
  143.                                | other programs.
  144.                                | The macro language allows a very high
  145.                                | degree of automation and customizing.
  146.                                | Files: 24  07-24-93...07-24-93  New: 20
  147. COMMO551.ARJ   172241  08-11-93  {COMMO} 5.51 (maint. release).
  148.                                | Powerful, high-performance, communications
  149.                                | program.  Designed for the discriminating
  150.                                | user, it has professional features not found
  151.                                | in other programs.  The macro language allows
  152.                                | a very high degree of automation and
  153.                                | customizing.  Shareware.
  154.                                | Files: 24  08-07-93...08-07-93  New: 12
  155. COMPORT!.EXE    27879  08-04-92  Comm Port and Modem Tester.  No docs.
  156. COMST11.ARJ     26930  08-13-93  ************* COMSET 11.0  *************
  157.                                | COMSET 11 SETUP/TEST MODEMS/UARTS
  158.                                | VER 11 SUPPORTS COM1-4, IRQ2-7, SPEEDS
  159.                                | TO 57.6KBPS. RETURNS ERRORLEVELS TO
  160.                                | BATCH FILES DEPENDING ON MODEM'S STATE.
  161.                                | UNLIKE MODE.COM, COMSET WORKS WITH ANY
  162.                                | UART. ALSO SWAPS PORTS, LOGS IN COM3&4
  163.                                | TO DOS, DISPLAYS PORT STATUS. WITH DOCS
  164. COMST1A.EXE     35807  10-11-92  COMSET 10.A tests/sets/swaps modems from 300
  165.                                | bps-57.6k bps. A batch file utility that
  166.                                | allows you to test for the presence of
  167.                                | pointers and report on installed serial
  168.                                | ports. Complete with docs. Can also set up
  169.                                | serial printers or ports not attached to
  170.                                | modems. Unlike Mode.com, it works all uarts
  171.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 10/10/92  Newest: 10/10/92.
  172. COMTAP21.ARJ   130050  06-29-93  COMTAP v2.1 ASP - Software serial
  173.                                | communications line monitor and debugger.
  174.                                | Microsecond timestamp resolution; Passive
  175.                                | bi-directional dual port monitoring and
  176.                                | interactive single port control; Display
  177.                                | macro-recording; Full log parameter control;
  178.                                | Context-sensitive Hypertext help. Fully
  179.                                | functional ASP approved, v2.1 Revision A,
  180.                                | from Paladin Software, Inc.
  181. DCRD100.ARJ     10300  02-24-93  Rbbs 17.4 Mod To Allow Doors To Log Off
  182.                                | Callers Without Marking The Log Off As A
  183.                                | Carrier Drop In Rbbs.  
  184. DEP304.EXE     343251  10-30-92  Deputy comms software v3.04 - from the UK
  185.                                | everything: mnp5 background transfers /
  186.                                | powerful scripts / history logs / mouse
  187.                                | support / p.down menu system / novice mode .
  188. DIALZ.EXE       76809  07-02-92  A program that transforms your £2,000
  189.                                | computer into an £5 alarm clock; if you have
  190.                                | a 2nd phone line, this program will ring your
  191.                                | phone at the time requested; supports COM1-2;
  192.                                | 06/11/92.
  193. DLRK23!.EXE     76599  10-24-92  Download Recordkeeper v2.3: uses the Telix
  194.                                | 3.15 usage log to keep you from downloading
  195.                                | files more than once - handy, many options.
  196. DMODE104.ARJ     4393  08-17-93  DMODE v1.04: variation of the DOS MODE cmd
  197.                                | comm ports that allows you to pgm baud rates
  198.                                | from 50 to 115200 bps & to check the current
  199.                                | configuration of your serial ports; supports
  200.                                | COM1-4; 06/01/93; David C. McMasters.
  201. DSZ0503R.EXE   136559  05-28-92  DSZ Modem 5/3 version. Protocol Driver.
  202. DSZ0593.ARJ     85827  05-19-93  DSZ - features ZMODEM-90 extensions including
  203.                                | ZMODEM compression and MobyTurbo. Also
  204.                                | advanced Intelligent Crash Recovery.
  205.                                | Omen Technology
  206. DSZ0593N.ARJ     3449  05-16-93  What's New Text about Omen's DSZ/GSZ
  207. DSZ0593X.ARJ    39255  05-16-93  .EXE version of DSZ - slightly faster, but
  208.                                | requires more memory.
  209. DSZ1103.EXE    100459  11-05-92  DSZ.COM, the X/Y/Zmodem driver for BBS
  210.                                | systems and external protocol module for
  211.                                | telecomm software. From Chuck Forsberg.
  212.                                | Files: 18  Oldest: 10/15/87  Newest: 11/3/92
  213. DSZ1103N.EXE    17853  11-14-92  Update notes for 11/03/92 DSZ; same as at the
  214.                                | end of DSZ.DOC; also applies to GSZ; Chuck
  215.                                | Forsberg.
  216. DSZ1106N.EXE    17888  11-09-92  Cross-compiled EXE version of DSZ 11/6/92
  217.                                | Slightly faster than DSZ.COM but uses more
  218.                                | memory.
  219.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 11/6/92  Newest: 11/6/92
  220. DTP201.EXE      31898  08-29-92  PROCOMM PLUS 2.01 PATCHES.  Latest file dated
  221.                                | 7/92.  From Datastorm BBS.
  222.                                | Files: 27  Oldest: 5/20/91  Newest: 7/14/92
  223. EAZILK34.EXE   273990  05-02-92  Eazilink has specific British features which 
  224.                                | include support for V23 (1200/75) data speed 
  225.                                | and Viewdata emulation. Good author support.
  226. EEMAIL.EXE     470750  06-14-92  EINSTEIN ELECTRONIC MAIL. Super EEMail
  227. EHOST12.EXE    206926  05-10-92  EaziHost is a comprehensive yet easily
  228.                                | mastered BBS developed from the smaller 
  229.                                | EaziLink package. It has most of the features
  230.                                | expected of a BBS, yet is very easy to set up
  231. ELSE22.EXE      66155  08-24-92  ELSEWARE v2.2: provides remote control of
  232.                                | your PC, a la PC Anywhere/Carbon Copy.
  233. EMSKETCH.ARJ    81283  07-13-93  The EMSKETCHER Ver 1.0 for IBMs, (C) 1993
  234.                                | This editor allows you to create upper
  235.                                | ascii diagrams.  Export them to ascii  
  236.                                | files, or send e-mail diagrams on Internet,
  237.                                | Compuserve, etc. Sharp ascii pictures can be
  238.                                | mixed with words to make professional look-
  239.                                | ing document files. w/cut/paste, opt. mouse.
  240.                                | Files: 7  07-11-93...07-12-93  New: 7
  241. ENR.ARJ         49071  03-10-93  Tapcis Script Files and ENR.COMfile for
  242.                                | capturing and downloading Executive News
  243.                                | Service stories from CompuServe.
  244. ESCAPES.EXE     25997  08-22-92  The Issue of the Reliable Modem Escape
  245.                                | Sequence -- From Hayes.  Recommended reading
  246.                                | for all modem users regardless of who your
  247.                                | manufacturer is.
  248.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 8/21/92  Newest: 8/21/92.
  249. EZDIAL40.EXE    24448  06-17-92  Allows you to use EAZILINK DIRECTORIES
  250.                                | without EAZILINK.
  251. EZPV11.ARJ      50577  08-05-93  NEW EXTERNAL PROTOCOL ENGINE WITH X,Y
  252.                                | G,S and Zmodem. CAN SUB FOR DSZ.EASY
  253.                                | TO USE, GREAT WAY TO ADD NEW PROTOCOLS.
  254. EZRECV10.EXE    94872  11-22-92  Express Zmodem Ver 1.0- This prog. provides
  255.                                | unattened background Zmodem capability for
  256.                                | Dos machines. This pog. allows user to
  257.                                | manipulate previously received files while
  258.                                | tranfers continue.
  259.                                | Files: 5  Oldest: 11/18/92  Newest: 11/18/92
  260. FASTUART.ARJ    22426  05-19-93  Explanation of 16550/16450 UART features and
  261.                                | how they affect high-speed communications.
  262.                                | Author is Michael Spalter of SEG
  263.                                | Communications in the U.K.  
  264. FATT121.EXE    118969  11-22-92  FD offline filerequest server version 1.21
  265.                                | From Germany.
  266.                                | Files: 12  Oldest: 10/15/91  Newest: 10/15/91
  267. FAX-101.ARJ     70193  01-19-93  PCB/FaxMail 1.01 from Sparkware.  Lets
  268.                                | callers easily send messages to fax machines
  269.                                | w/internal faxcard on your BBS.  NetBios
  270.                                | compatible, great for multinode systems.
  271.                                | PCRelay-compatible so faxes can be routed
  272.                                | across the country.  This is a working DEMO
  273.                                | Files: 29  Oldest: 9/19/91  Newest: 1/2/93
  274. FAX-MOD.ARJ      9452  02-07-93  Detailed description on what to look for in
  275.                                | high-speed fax modems. Explains different
  276.                                | protocols, features to look for, and much
  277.                                | more. Specific product information on Intel
  278.                                | Satisfaction Fax-Modems.
  279.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 4/14/92  Newest: 4/14/92
  280. FAXITNOW.EXE   320021  10-12-92  This file contains many fax cover sheets that
  281.                                | can be used with a fax/modem or a regular fax
  282.                                | machine. The fonts are true type so scaling
  283.                                | is not a problem. These files are in a .PCX
  284. FAXNOW02.EXE   475459  10-12-92  This is another file loaded with fax/modem
  285.                                | cover sheets They are also in a .PCX format.
  286. FEEFIF12.ARJ    25790  04-16-93  FeeFifo v1.2: enables the FIFO of a 16550A
  287.                                | UART chip at the COM port specified by the
  288.                                | user; 01/21/93; Gary S. Tessler, P.E. 
  289. FNET40-1.ARJ   332882  04-16-93  FeatherNet BBS V4.00 1 of 4 Files
  290.                                | Full featured BBS program with a very
  291.                                | comfortable Sysop and User Interface.
  292.                                | Superb performance and capabilities
  293.                                | matched by few commercial BBS programs.
  294.                                | NetMail capable via FrontDoor/RNET/ROBO
  295.                                | or by using FNETMAIL QWK Door.
  296. FNET40-2.ARJ   251741  04-16-93  FeatherNet BBS V4.00 2 of 4 Files
  297.                                | Full featured BBS program with a very
  298.                                | comfortable Sysop and User Interface.
  299.                                | Superb performance and capabilities
  300.                                | matched by few commercial BBS programs.
  301.                                | NetMail capable via FrontDoor/RNET/ROBO
  302.                                | or by using FNETMAIL QWK Door.
  303. FNET40-3.ARJ    65277  04-16-93  FeatherNet BBS V4.00 3 of 4 Files
  304.                                | Full featured BBS program with a very
  305.                                | comfortable Sysop and User Interface.
  306.                                | Superb performance and capabilities
  307.                                | matched by few commercial BBS programs.
  308.                                | NetMail capable via FrontDoor/RNET/ROBO
  309.                                | or by using FNETMAIL QWK Door.
  310. FNET40-4.ARJ    17207  04-16-93  FeatherNet BBS V4.00 4 of 4 Files
  311.                                | -------------------------------------
  312.                                | Full featured BBS program with a very
  313.                                | comfortable Sysop and User Interface.
  314.                                | -------------------------------------
  315.                                | This is the install utility - unzip 
  316.                                | and execute from directory where the
  317.                                | FeatherNet archive files reside.
  318. FWZMODM.EXE     43497  08-04-92  Flackware Zmodem protocol driver. A
  319.                                | colourful alternative to GSZ>.
  320. GATEWAYS.ARJ     8527  06-15-93  Text on Fidonet Gateways. 
  321.                                | (Newest File Date: 10-15-89)
  322. GIFLK111.ARJ   256634  06-23-93  GIFLink v1.11 - View transmitting GIF images
  323.                                | in stunning SuperVGA graphics! Support
  324.                                | X/Y/Zmodem/CIS QuickB through direct modem,
  325.                                | FOSSIL or INT 14H. Can skip receiving images.
  326.                                | Support 13 SuperVGA and VESA adapters up to
  327.                                | 1024x768 256 colors. Easy to install. A
  328.                                | MUST if you download GIF.
  329.                                | By the author of Telemate and GIFLITE
  330.                                | Files: 9  06-21-93...06-21-93  New: 6
  331. GMNUZ.EXE       26796  09-18-92  GSZ Zmodem Menu Command Shell v1.0 - Written
  332.                                | by Joe Wang. C Source Included. Read The
  333.                                | README.1st File. Use w/ all BBS and Comm
  334.                                | Programs. All Bauds. 
  335. GOLDP40.EXE    278303  06-16-92  FastPhone Gold v4.0 Phonebook, dialer, labels
  336.                                | & notepad. (June 92). 
  337. GSZ.ARJ        106658  05-06-93  Graphical Zmodem transfer protocol
  338.                                | Files: 15  Oldest: 12/13/91  Newest: 4/3/93
  339. GSZ0593.ARJ    106639  05-14-93  GSZ - features ZMODEM-90 extensions in
  340.                                | graphics form - complete implementation
  341.                                | Requires registration to "unlock" advanced
  342.                                | features -- but well worth it!
  343. GSZ1109.EXE    121150  11-12-92  GSZ.EXE, the graphics version of DSZ, the
  344.                                | X/Y/ZModem driver for BBS systems and
  345.                                | external protocol module for telecomm
  346.                                | software.
  347.                                | Files: 15  Oldest: 12/13/91  Newest: 11/9/92
  348. GT1706A.EXE    200713  07-30-92  GT POWER COM v17.06 AT/286+ version with host
  349.                                | mode. (7-15-92). 
  350. GT1706_1.EXE   144736  08-02-92  GT POWERCOMM V17.06 - 1 OF 5.
  351. GT1706_2.EXE   197688  08-02-92  GT POWERCOMM V17.06 - 2 OF 5.
  352. GT1706_3.EXE    82882  08-02-92  GT POWERCOMM V17.06 - 3 OF 5.
  353. GT1706_4.EXE   132974  08-02-92  GT POWERCOMM V17.06 - 4 OF 5.
  354. GT1706_5.EXE   108288  08-02-92  GT POWERCOMM V17.06 - 5 OF 5.
  355. GT1800_1.ARJ   155781  08-11-93  GT Power v18.00 [08-01-93]  Disk [1/6] - "The
  356.                                | Rolls Royce of Communications"  Complete host
  357.                                | and terminal operations. Features such as fax
  358.                                | handling, CallerID,  OS2/ MSWINDOWS/ DESQview
  359.                                | aware, QWKMail, DIZ support, archive viewing,
  360.                                | powerful script and questionaire  processing,
  361.                                | CDROM support,  subscription and user account
  362.                                | management, onscreen file tagging,  plus much
  363.                                | more...all rolled into one shareware program!
  364.                                | Actively produced/supported  by P&M Software.
  365. GT1800_2.ARJ   222952  08-11-93  GT Power v18.00 [08-01-93]  Disk [2/6] - "The
  366.                                | Rolls Royce of Communications"   Main program
  367.                                | executible and overlay files.  286/386 ver.
  368. GT1800_3.ARJ    69210  08-11-93  GT Power v18.00 [08-01-93]  Disk [3/6] - "The
  369.                                | Rolls Royce of Communications"  Support files
  370.                                | and assorted external protocol drivers (CISB,
  371.                                | GTZ, PCKERMIT)
  372. GT1800_4.ARJ   132905  08-11-93  GT Power v18.00 [08-01-93]  Disk [4/6] - "The
  373.                                | Rolls Royce of Communications"  Terminal Mode
  374.                                | Only  version.   For use  when disk space  is
  375.                                | limited.  GTO is the nickname.  286/386 vers.
  376. GT1800_5.ARJ   135864  08-11-93  GT Power v18.00 [08-01-93]  Disk [5/6] - "The
  377.                                | Rolls Royce of Communications"  HOST/BBS Mode
  378.                                | support files and documentation.
  379. GT1800_6.ARJ    99167  08-11-93  GT Power v18.00 [08-01-93]  Disk [6/6] - "The
  380.                                | Rolls Royce of Communications"  Miscellaneous
  381.                                | documentation for external protocols and Host
  382.                                | Mode management utilities.
  383. GWSWN11G.ARJ   521793  08-11-93  Graphic Workshop for WINDOWS v1.1G -
  384.                                | Converts, rotates, scales--everthing on all
  385.                                | imaging formats for WINDOWS. Thumbnail
  386.                                | previews and Photo-CD support. Alchemy.
  387. HOOKR10.EXE    127271  07-07-92  HOOK RELAY version 1.0, a great small utility
  388.                                | to take any Hayes or compatible modem on/off
  389.                                | hook directly from DOS or via a simple to use
  390.                                | menu system.Handy for many situations.Sharew.
  391.                                | Files: 7  Oldest: 4/29/92  Newest: 4/29/92.
  392. HPAPER.ARJ       6008  01-29-93  Hayes' White Paper on High speed
  393.                                | communications... 
  394. HS121B6.ARJ    144664  07-26-93  HS/Link external protocol Beta test version
  395.                                | as of 3:25pm July 19,1993.  High speed single
  396.                                | and bidirectional file transfer protocol.
  397. HSLT102B.ARJ    76562  03-27-93  HSLTAG v1.02Beta UPDATE:  tagging and batch
  398.                                | upload manager for use as a shell from your
  399.                                | communications program.Manages your BBS bi-
  400.                                | directional transfers with  HS/Link  (C) by
  401.                                | Samual P. Smith.  Internal editing features
  402.                                | place description files in compressed files
  403.                                | tagged for uploading.  Compatible with most
  404.                                | compression formats.  Tested in DOS, DV and
  405.                                | Windows  environments.   Execute  transfers
  406.                                | with click of mouse or single keystroke!
  407. HSTELIX2.EXE    18297  09-08-92  A better script file for hs-link and telix
  408.                                | Files: 5  Oldest: 10/23/91  Newest: 11/17/91
  409. HSTHELP.EXE     22078  05-20-92  Text file for HST/Dual users. Help with setup
  410. HYDRAKIT.ARJ   232515  01-24-93  HYDRA is a bi-directional protocol with the 
  411.                                | ability to receive and send files 
  412.                                | simultaneously.
  413. HYPER11F.EXE    62846  08-03-92  Hyper Protocol Version 1.1F
  414. ICOM100.EXE    431924  06-05-92  Intellicom Communications Package.
  415. INFOTERM.ARJ   161145  07-19-93  INFOTERM PLUS is possibly the world's best
  416.                                | terminal program. Mouse support, color
  417.                                | scrollback, 300 entry dialing directory,
  418.                                | QWK mail, menubar, extensive help screens,
  419.                                | fast configuration, simple scripts, and
  420.                                | many special features never before seen in
  421.                                | a terminal program. Definately worth a look.
  422.                                | Shareware, NOT crippleware.
  423.                                | Files: 33  02-27-93...07-12-93  New: 33
  424.                                | Uploaded by: John Alton
  425. INIT-200.ARJ    36974  05-23-93  .......Modem Init Strings v2.00.......
  426.                                | Database contains more than 400 strings
  427.                                | Search quickly your modem init - string
  428.                                | With a print to paper option
  429.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 3/25/93  Newest: 3/25/93
  430. JAXHOST7.EXE    90210  10-27-92  JaxHost v7.0; Office-to-home host comm pkg.  
  431.                                | May shell direct to CTTY, Doorway, RemDoor.  
  432.                                | Has built-in CD monitor, call logging, and   
  433.                                | callback security, ringback,trigrd callback  
  434.                                | and handy modem monitor for EZ setup.  Can   
  435.                                | handle extended comm port specifications     
  436.                                | (beyond com1 and com2) and opening speeds    
  437.                                | to 38400.  Self-registering shareware. 
  438. KWQ12A.ARJ     186276  06-29-93  KWQ Mail/2, version 1.2a.  A 32 bit QWK mail 
  439.                                | Features advanced multithreaded searching, ta
  440.                                | fast access toolbar, colored "message syntax"
  441.                                | internal editor, PM, OS/2, DOS or Win3.X exte
  442.                                | unlimited packet size and more.
  443.                                | Files: 12  06-24-93...06-27-93  New: 10
  444. LIQAPP.ARJ      14588  03-25-93  LiQUiD Software Application Generator
  445.                                | LiQUiD is a revolutionary BBS software. 
  446.                                | Its configurability, efficiency, looks,
  447.                                | many options, and never-ending support 
  448.                                | from the Author make it a *MUST*
  449. LOGGR10.EXE     25531  10-04-92  Logger is a Qmodem utility that uses info
  450.                                | from you Qmodem.log file to help you
  451.                                | work out your phone bill.
  452. LYNC20.EXE      70430  08-14-92  Pc-Ansi BBS comms package. Small and
  453.                                | extremely reliable. Autodial, capture etc
  454. MAILCNF.EXE     17651  06-16-92  Robocomm V4.XX Scripts For Selecting And
  455.                                | Deselecting Conferences From Qmail4 or. 
  456. MAINHAY.ARJ      6229  07-10-93  Hayes modems Mainframe configurations.
  457. MAKEDS09.ARJ    41758  11-24-92  Make any NEW model of U.S. Robotics 14.4k HST
  458.                                | modem a DUAL STANDARD 16.8k modem with this.
  459.                                | Hmmm.....(no guarantees).
  460. MDIC130.ARJ     47085  12-09-92  The Modem Dictionary, version 1.30.  Now with
  461.                                | over 600 definitions.  Easy to understand.
  462.                                | If you use a modem, you can use this
  463.                                | dictionary.  Check it out!
  464.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 11/17/92  Newest: 11/17/92
  465. MODEM7.EXE      22716  07-23-92  Latest modems.dat from Datastorm for Procomm
  466. MODEM992.EXE    23940  08-29-92  Procomm Plus 2.01 modem configuration file,
  467.                                | dated 8-25-92
  468.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 8/25/92  Newest: 8/25/92
  469. MODEMD50.ARJ   130098  05-13-93  ************** MODEMD50 5.0S  **************
  470.                                | Modem Doctor 5.0S tests Serial ports,Modems
  471.                                | Modem Doctor is the premier serial port and
  472.                                | modem diagnostic, performing over 60 checks
  473.                                | of your modem, serial port, and motherboard
  474.                                | hardware. Version 5.0 includes automatic IRQ
  475.                                | detection, interrupt latency tests, support
  476.                                | for FOSSIL drivers, and more. With DOCS
  477.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 5/6/93  Newest: 5/6/93
  478. MODM2293.ARJ    13591  02-25-93  The Latest Modems.Dat Release As Of 2/93
  479. MODMRANT.TXT     4741  10-14-92  Some comments and advice on modems.
  480. MODM_TEC.ARJ     5524  12-09-92  Three text files that describe common
  481.                                | modem terminology.
  482. MS_SH200.EXE   261985  06-26-92  DOS and OS/2 port of Unix SYS V Borne Shell
  483.                                | by Data Logic Ltd.  Version 2.00 w/C source.
  484. MXLITE17.ARJ    91441  07-27-93  MX-Light Version 1.7 from Mx Communications.
  485.                                | MX-Light, easy to use communications program
  486.                                | Protocols included are ASCII,Kermit,Xmodem,
  487.                                | Ymodem,Zmodem,Xmodem/1K,Xmodem/G,Ymodem/G.
  488.                                | Full Screen Editor, Internal ANSI,Avatar
  489.                                | and VT100 Drivers.Capture Doorway Many other
  490.                                | features.  Auto Zmodem Downloads MXLIGHT
  491.                                | download it now, Only $10.00 to Register.
  492.                                | Many Fixes from Ver 1.6 and New Features.
  493.                                | Now Includes 8k Zmodem(ZedZap)
  494. MYCMM122.EXE   113438  05-29-92  MyComm v1.22: small, yet powerful, comm pgm
  495.                                | w/built-in Zmodem, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, Ymodem
  496.                                | Batch, Ymodem Batch 1K option, SEAlink, and
  497.                                | ASCII and support for externally added
  498.                                | protocols.
  499. MYCMM202.ARJ   106835  07-28-93  MyComm Version 2.02 - small full-featured
  500.                                | telecommunications program. Shareware.
  501.                                | Registration $25 + $2 S&H.  Includes several
  502.                                | transfer protocol and terminal emulations.
  503.                                | Files: 5  07-07-93...07-07-93  New: 4
  504. NMODM231.EXE    59252  06-24-92  Nmodem 2.31, high-speed file transfer
  505.                                | protocol, uses 2K blocks, faster than Zmodem.
  506. ODY15.EXE      349915  08-21-92  ODYSSEY 1.5 - Powerful Comms Program
  507.                                | Winner of the UK PC Magazine Editors Choice.
  508.                                | MNP4 & MNP5 Software-based Error Correction,
  509.                                | Background File Transfers, Pascal-Like Script
  510.                                | Language, Auto Script Generation, Excellent
  511.                                | Terminal Emulations, Host Mode, Built-in
  512.                                | Zmodem, CIS B+...  much more...  
  513.                                | Files: 6  Oldest: 12/13/91  Newest: 8/5/92
  514. OZCIS1.EXE     260307  05-10-92  x
  515. OZCIS2.EXE     158585  05-10-92  x
  516. OZCIS3.EXE     127647  05-10-92  x
  517. OZCIS4.EXE     145052  05-10-92  x
  518. OZLOG11.EXE     66446  05-10-92  x
  519. OZT11B.ARJ      46748  05-08-93  OZT v1.1B: OzCIS message re-threader;
  520. PANTHER2.ARJ   348809  07-31-93   * * * * * * FREEWARE! * * * * * *
  521.                                | PANTHER COMMUNICATIONS VERSION 2.00!
  522.                                | (Formerly COSWORTH) *Full* featured
  523.                                | comms software - internal protocols,
  524.                                | script language, macros, auto dialler,
  525.                                | logs, captures, ANSI/Avatar/VT52,
  526.                                | IEMSI, scrollback, you name it, it's
  527.                                | got it AND IT'S TOTALLY 100% FREE!
  528. PB12A-1.ARJ    181115  05-18-93  Powerboard 1.20a:  (1 of 3)
  529.                                | EZX TEST DRIVE RELEASE.
  530.                                | BBS Software that grows with the Sysop! 
  531.                                | From mouse-driven config pgm to menu editor 
  532.                                | to scripting language, PB is the most 
  533.                                | config'able system available. Easy to use.  
  534.                                | 5 min. setup->a completely set-up BBS!
  535.                                | W/all utilities: archive viewer/upload tester
  536.                                | ansi editor;splitscr chat;.qwk door;CDrom;
  537.                                | DESQview;Netmail;Door.sys dorinfo1.def 
  538. PB12A-2.ARJ    352280  05-18-93  Powerboard 1.20a: (2 of 3)
  539.                                | EZX TEST DRIVE RELEASE.
  540. PB12A-3.ARJ    301254  05-18-93  Powerboard 1.20a: (3 of 3)
  541.                                | EZX TEST DRIVE RELEASE.
  542. PBBS188A.EXE   365478  07-08-92  Power BBS for Windows v1.88
  543. PBBS188B.EXE   328207  06-22-92  PowerBBS is a comprehensive system designed
  544.                                | to run under DOS or Windows 3+ 
  545. PBWNDO.EXE     149117  08-11-92  PBWINDOWS 2.5 -- now with mouse,
  546.                                | VGA/EGA/CGA/Herc support; faster execution
  547.                                | and more routines. Text entry, pop-up windows
  548.                                | Titles, menus, recolouring, zooming, etc etc.
  549.                                | Includes PBTools for sys info.
  550. PCBMAIL.EXE     20064  05-08-92  Telemate 2.11 scripts for PCBoard 14.5.
  551. PCDIAL.EXE     156727  05-08-92  This is a pop-up phone dialer for dialing 
  552.                                | customers etc. by picking up phone numbers
  553.                                | straight from the screen.
  554. PCFD-105.EXE   162864  05-27-92  PCFDial, a 7k TSR - dials numbers displayed
  555.                                | on the screen by any program. Handles vanity
  556.                                | numbers like freephone or 0800, keeps a log
  557.                                | of calls, and shows local time for any area
  558.                                | code. Pops up regularly so that you know how
  559.                                | long you have been talking. Context help.
  560. PCPLA10.EXE     54777  10-03-92  Procomm Plus Log Analyzer v1.0   -   FREEWARE
  561.                                | Finally!  A  way  to  calculate  the time you
  562.                                | spent  calling out during  a specified month.
  563.                                | Shows local & long distance calls  you  made.
  564.                                | ADDS UP THE TOTAL TIME ONLINE FOR EACH BBS !!
  565.                                | Requires Procomm Plus v2.01 or a comm package
  566.                                | that is  compatible with the PCPLUS.FON file.
  567.                                | (Read PCPLA.DOC  for more info on PCPLUS.FON)
  568.                                | What are you waiting for ?      Download me !
  569. PF271.EXE       51855  06-28-92  Port Finder 2.71, is a COM & LPT port
  570.                                | utility. PF activates COM3 & 4 on systems
  571.                                | using DOS 3.3, 4 or 5; includes two new
  572.                                | utilities: MTSR will display Memory Control
  573.                                | Block (MCB) usage for normal & UMB memory;
  574.                                | MUMB will display DOS 5 UMB segment
  575.                                | locations, sizes & free space. Also displays
  576.                                | UART type using a new COM port ID method.
  577.                                | Files: 17  Oldest: 6/22/92  Newest: 6/22/92.
  578. PICKUP10.EXE    27862  08-06-92  Pick-Up v1.0: file manager / uploader for
  579.                                | Telix; 07/11/92; Mark P. Harrison.
  580. PORTEST1.EXE    58042  09-16-92  Simple modem serial diagnostic utility
  581. PROTOC.ARJ      10521  08-05-93  Solving download problems with ProComm Plus
  582. PVTS109.ARJ    102666  02-19-93  Private Secretary v1.09: monitors your phone/
  583.                                | answering machine via std modem then dials
  584.                                | your pager or another phone to notify you of
  585.                                | calls received, remind you of appointments,
  586.                                | report power fail, etc;  keep your pager/cel-
  587.                                | lular phone numbers confidential or change
  588.                                | them anytime;  multiple pager/phone support;
  589.                                | not intended for use with unattended receive
  590.                                | Files: 7  Oldest: 1/4/93  Newest: 1/27/93.
  591. PW_HOST.EXE     49872  06-28-92  Fixes to Host Mode for Procomm Plus for
  592.                                | Windows.  Self-Extracting Archive, Direct
  593.                                | from DATASTORM.
  594.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 6/18/92  Newest: 6/22/92.
  595. PW_MODEM.EXE    30497  06-28-92  Current Modem Configuration File for Procomm
  596.                                | Plus.  May be used with both DOS & Windows
  597.                                | Versions.  6/15/92 Self_extracting Archive.
  598.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 6/22/92  Newest: 6/22/92.
  599. QCOM294.ARJ    151426  01-04-93  QCOM v2.94. A compact communications pgm.
  600.                                | Easy to use, features auto-script maker,
  601.                                | scroll-back with quoter, host mode, music
  602.                                | support, file tagging for batch uploads,
  603.                                | and easy modem setup. Supports ANSI and TTY
  604.                                | terminal emulations. Has Xmodem built in,
  605.                                | but uses DSZ primarily. Can use other 
  606.                                | external protocols as well.
  607.                                | Comes with QMP v0.07 mail reader. DEC/92.
  608. QM42_1.EXE     150055  05-10-92  QModem 4.21 is a very popular full featured 
  609. QM42_2.EXE     204806  05-10-92  general purpose communications program. Good 
  610. QM42_3.EXE     126729  05-10-92  for calling bulletin boards, Compserve, The 
  611. QM42_4.EXE     279427  05-10-92  Source, etc. with built in set-ups for each.
  612. QMFNT50.EXE     58420  07-30-92  .FON directory converter for Qmodem 5.0/5.1
  613.                                | from Mustang. Converts from Telix, Boyan &
  614.                                | Procomm to Qmodem format.
  615. QMMD1292.ARJ     8716  12-18-92  Qmodem MDF modem def file 12/2/92 update.
  616. QMODEF.EXE      23509  06-30-92  Latest Qmodem modem definition file.
  617. QMODEM5.EXE     18944  06-24-92  Upgrade offer for Qmodem v5.0. :-(
  618. QMPD1292.ARJ     9695  12-18-92  Qmodem Pro PDF modem def file 12/2/92 update.
  619. QMPRORMV.ARJ     8130  04-29-93  Patch to eliminate opening screen from
  620.                                | QModemPro.
  621.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 11/18/92  Newest: 4/24/93
  622. QPROCNVT.EXE    58986  11-26-92  Qmodem PRO v1.0 .FON file converter. Converts
  623.                                | TELIX v3.1x, Procomm Plus v1.1x or v2.x, and
  624.                                | Boyan v5.0 phone directories into QMPRO v1.0
  625.                                | compatible FON files.  from MUSTANG.
  626. QPROTECH.EXE   207306  07-30-92  QUATTRO PRO Tech notes from Borland 1/92.
  627. QWKNDT1A.EXE   124041  11-08-92  QWK'n'Dirty 1.1 Terminal program and QWK
  628.                                | reader.
  629.                                | Term program and QWK reader in one.
  630.                                | Full featured script language.
  631.                                | Autodetection of QWK packets when in term
  632.                                | mode and more!!!
  633.                                | Written by Anthony W. Hursh (Shareware)
  634.                                | Files: 27  Oldest: 2/7/88  Newest: 11/6/92
  635. RA-111.EXE     526637  09-08-92  REMOTE ACCESS v1.11 - Latest version of the
  636.                                | Remote Access BBS software.
  637. RBCOMM34.ARJ   116290  01-10-93  RBcomm is a lean and mean DESQview-aware
  638.                                | comm program by Ralf Brown.  Freeware.
  639.                                | Main features of v3.40:            .
  640.                                | * runs in as little as 46K           .
  641.                                | * DESQview-aware to minimize CPU usage;    .
  642.                                |   provides some extra features under DV    .
  643.                                | * 250-number dialing directory           .
  644.                                | * ANSI/VT102, VT52, AVATAR/0 emulations    .
  645.                                | * seamless file transfers using DSZ, etc.
  646.                                | Files: 34  Oldest: 2/15/90  Newest: 1/3/93
  647. RBZCH176.EXE   132383  07-09-92  RBBS - PC Batch uploading, HS-Link and
  648.                                | Bi Modem interface. v1.76.
  649. RC42-42B.EXE   159939  07-26-92  Robocomm 4.2 to 4.2b upgrade kit. Several
  650.                                | small bug fixes.  See the enclosed
  651.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 7/23/92  Newest: 7/23/92
  652. REGLW2OS.ARJ   436751  08-05-93  New Version of Livewire comms for OS/2 + DOS
  653. REXCL-11.EXE   137314  08-14-92  Robocomm Bonus utility program - creates a
  654.                                | simple database of filenames. Works only with
  655.                                | registered version of Robocomm 2 files.Update
  656. ROBO41-A.EXE   262516  06-01-92  ROBOCOMM -- Version 4.1 -- (File 1 of 2)
  657.                                | The *ultimate* tool for unattended BBS
  658.                                | communications!  Works with PCBoard AND
  659.                                | Wildcat BBS Systems. Includes a full script
  660.                                | language for others.  Build comprehensive
  661.                                | databases of available files.  Upload and
  662.                                | download files and mail automatically!
  663. ROBO41-B.EXE   268639  06-01-92  Robocom 4.1 (file 2 of 2) Communications
  664. ROBO42-U.EXE   362411  07-11-92  ROBOCOMM -- Version 4.1 to 4.2 Upgrade Kit
  665.                                | Use this file to upgrade only if you are
  666.                                | currently running version 4.1.  Includes
  667.                                | all files needed to upgrade.  Please see
  668.                                | the ROBOCOMM.HST file for a summary of
  669.                                | changes in this version.
  670. ROBOHELP.EXE    52743  07-13-92  ROBOCOMM 4.2 Help files.
  671. ROBOTRM!.EXE   109631  11-26-92  Roboterm Version 3.0 - ANSI/ASCII terminal
  672.                                | program - great graphics.
  673. SDP101.ARJ     124306  08-16-93  Streamline Design Protocol Module Ver 1.00
  674.                                | ------------------------------------------
  675.                                | This protocol module offers both graphical 
  676.                                | and ASCII status screens, ASCII, XModem,
  677.                                | XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC,XModem/CRC Relaxed
  678.                                | XModem-1k, XModem-1k, Relaxed, XModem-1kG,
  679.                                | XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem, YModem Relaxed,
  680.                                | YModemG, YModemG Relaxed, YModem-128,
  681.                                | YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem, ZModem-8k, and
  682.                                | Kermit.
  683.                                | It also has many options for managing files
  684.                                | and various port options.
  685. SDPD101.ARJ    122023  08-13-93  Streamline Design Fossil Protocol module
  686.                                | v1.01  This protocol module offers both
  687.                                | graphical and ASCII status screens, ASCII,
  688.                                | Xmodem, Xmodem Related, Xmodem/CRC,
  689.                                | Xmodem/CRC realaxed, Xmodem-1k, and much more
  690.                                | including many Ymodem and Zmodem types. It
  691.                                | also has many options for managing files.
  692. SEEM1.EXE      400056  08-24-92  See Mail v1.3.1 Comprehensive E-Mail system
  693.                                | for LAN & MCI Mail. From Gnosis, Inc.
  694.                                | (8-13-92) 1 of 3. 
  695. SEEM2.EXE      347207  08-24-92  See Mail v1.3.1 2 of 3.
  696. SEEM3.EXE      368619  08-24-92  See Mail v1.3.1 2 of 3.
  697. SERCHIP.EXE     24484  06-27-92  UART Detector & Identifier - Works Great !
  698. SF32-1.EXE     193437  09-08-92  SPITFIRE BBS v3.2  1 of 2.
  699. SF32-2.EXE     305761  09-08-92  SPITFIRE BBS v3.2  2 of 2.
  700. SHGIF55F.ARJ   152347  02-13-93  ShowGIF 5.5f.  Allows you to view GIF for-
  701.                                | mat files as you download AND upload them.
  702.                                | Also includes an incredibly fast interact-
  703.                                | ive viewer with move/erase/copy/slideshow
  704.                                | capabilities + password protection to keep
  705.                                | out prying eyes. Forced hardware handshak-
  706.                                | ing for reliable DSZ/GSZ Transfers & more.
  707.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 9/27/92  Newest: 9/27/92
  708. SHOWGIF.ARJ    110550  08-24-93  A Gif Viewer That Shows The Gif As It Is
  709.                                | Downloaded
  710. SLICK62.ARJ    131007  07-28-93  Major rewrite of famous modem terminal, now
  711.                                | includes all major protocols and new features
  712.                                | like ability to call nbs atomic clock and set
  713.                                | your dos time automatically! Plus lots more!
  714.                                | Check it out now! Be a slick operator today!
  715. SLICK63E.ARJ   132856  08-19-93  Super Modem Terminal Does it All Plus Some,
  716.                                | Maintenance Release V63e, Enhansed Code For
  717.                                | Fifo Uarts, Etc∙ This is All You Need∙ Last
  718.                                | revision date in archive: 08-07-1993∙
  719. SLRN_200.EXE    53706  09-27-92  SLEARN (SALT Learn Utility) v2.00. Automatic
  720.                                | script writer for Telix users. Automate
  721.                                | logons, complete sessions, even up- and
  722.                                | downloads (with registration). New version
  723.                                | adds easier configuration, better support
  724.                                | for non-standard serial ports, better ANSI
  725.                                | emulation.  A MUST!
  726.                                | Files: 9  Oldest: 9/17/92  Newest: 9/21/92
  727. SLTLERN.EXE    101549  06-16-92  Script Language tutorial for TELIX.
  728. SMODEM.ARJ       9185  07-10-93  Send A String To Modem From Command Line.
  729. SP.ARJ         223220  01-09-93  SmartPhone  is a phone database that can save
  730.                                | you time & money  if you make or receive long
  731.                                | distance  phone calls,  by helping  you  plan
  732.                                | your calls to use lower phone rates. Includes
  733.                                | database of  area codes,  zip codes,  cities,
  734.                                | towns, countries, time zones, population etc.
  735.                                | Can pay for itself  the first day you use it.
  736.                                | More great shareware  from Pinnacle Software!
  737. SP0360.ARJ      11790  12-24-92  COMPAQ: Fixes IBM 3270 Communications v1.21
  738.                                | and v2.0.
  739. SP0362.ARJ      11476  12-26-92  Lite/Contura hotkey from Word & 123 to Mail.
  740. SP0366.ARJ      11987  12-25-92  COMPAQ: Lite 386/25c serial port switching
  741. SP0367.ARJ      11811  12-26-92  COMPAQ: Mainlink II 3270 on IBM 3270 Entry
  742.                                | Level - fixed.
  743. SP0369.ARJ      11446  12-26-92  COMPAQ: Prolinea 3/25s, 3/25z &
  744.                                | communications programs - fixed.
  745. SRCHLITE.EXE   275802  05-10-92  SearchLight is a compact bulletin board 
  746.                                | system with all the standard features plus 
  747.                                | full screen text editing of messages.
  748. SSFAXR11.ARJ    68407  07-23-93  SsFaxer v1.1: very simple pgm intended to do
  749.                                | one thing - send/receive a fax to/from a fax
  750.                                | machine/board without CAS or any other
  751.                                | interface; 07/17/93; Simple Simon Software.
  752.                                | Last revision date in archive: 07-17-1993.
  753. SX4-1.EXE      148358  06-19-92  Latest version of Sapphire BBS program. 
  754.                                | [1 of 2].
  755. SX4-2.EXE      303349  06-19-92  Latest version of Sapphire BBS program. 
  756.                                | [2 of 2].
  757. T-FIG.EXE      282810  06-16-92  A small utility to help customise TELIX.
  758. T-TERM.EXE     356195  09-03-92  TNT ITM v1.00 [1/1] Nice comm program with
  759.                                | internal support for HSlink, Zmax, Tmodem.
  760. TAPCIS!.EXE    198533  09-29-92  TaPCis V5.41 (Bug Fix For 5.4) Automated Ci$
  761.                                | (Compuserve) Access Program.
  762. TELED215.EXE   202042  09-06-92  TELEDISK v2.15 disk image maker for modem
  763.                                | transfers. 
  764. TER60.ARJ      333402  02-05-93  Latest Beta of incredible comm program direct
  765.                                | from the Programmer today. Built in File
  766.                                | tagging, Fidonet, file manager, and so much
  767.                                | more it can't be told here. This is going to
  768.                                | be THE comm program. No docs yet, but install
  769.                                | (and config (ALT-0) have one line help. Also
  770.                                | a quick start for beginners. All ext. prots
  771.                                | work without batch files. MUCH MORE...try it!
  772. TERMCOMX.ARJ     2263  03-14-93  Smallest COMM pgm I've seen.  In French (from
  773.                                | Quebec).  Each of the pgms is set up for a
  774.                                | different COM port - TERMCOM1 for COM1, etc.
  775.                                | Files: 6  Oldest: 2/10/93  Newest: 2/19/93
  776. TIESTEST.EXE    53196  07-30-92  Hayes test programs check your modem for
  777.                                | flawed components; 07/14/92; Hayes. 
  778. TIMESND.EXE     33431  09-26-92  TIMESEND 1.10 -Freeware. Tells you how long
  779.                                | it will take to transmit a file via modem at
  780.                                | different baud rates.
  781. TLA31.EXE       61423  10-12-92  TLA - The Log Analyzer v3.1 (FREEWARE). 
  782.                                | Provides total time you called each BBS
  783.                                | during specified month.
  784. TLX-SOLD.EXE    17029  10-02-92  Press release announcing the sale of TELIX
  785.                                | software to a former employee of Exis.  If
  786.                                | you need support for Telix after 05.Oct.92,
  787.                                | you need to download this file
  788.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 9/29/92  Newest: 9/29/92
  789. TLX320MS.ARJ     2507  12-03-92  TLX320MS.ARJ  A Logitech mouse menu for the
  790.                                | soon to be release version of Telix 3.20.
  791.                                | You need to copy this *.MNU file to the
  792.                                | Telix directory--type logimenu telix--then
  793.                                | start Telix as usual. W/good author support.
  794.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 11/29/92  Newest: 11/29/92
  795. TLX321-1.ARJ   164629  02-09-93  ┌──{ Telix Communications v3.21, 1 of 4 )──┐
  796.                                | │ Fast, powerful, and easy to use. 12 file │
  797.                                | │ transfer protocols, 200 + modem setups,  │
  798.                                | │ terminal emulation, dialing directory,   │
  799.                                | │ 2 powerful script languages, scroll-back │
  800.                                | │ and BBS HOST mode, keyboard macros, new  │
  801.                                | │ development team, many more new features.│
  802.                                | │ Maintenance release updating ver. 3.20.  │
  803.                                | └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
  804.                                | Files: 21  Oldest: 2/5/93  Newest: 2/5/93
  805. TLX321-2.ARJ    77487  02-09-93  { Telix Communications v3.21, 2 of 4 )
  806.                                | - Support files, sample scripts, compilers
  807. TLX321-3.ARJ   204555  02-09-93  {Telix v3.21 Communications Program    3/4
  808. TLX321-4.ARJ   185807  02-09-93  { Telix Communications v3.21, 4 of 4 )
  809.                                | - Documentation for Host+, Scripts, Telix
  810. TM412-1.ARJ    189560  07-26-93  TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 1 of 4
  811.                                | TELEMATE is a multi-threading communication
  812.                                | program. Featuring ANSI/Avatar/VT52/VT102
  813.                                | terminal, editor, viewer, huge backscroll,
  814.                                | clipboard and many unique functions. Built-in
  815.                                | mouse support provides easy access to all
  816.                                | functions. This high quality comm program
  817.                                | gives you OS/2-like power in a DOS program.
  818.                                | Files: 38  07-20-93...07-20-93  New: 11
  819.                                | Uploaded by: Winfred Hu
  820. TM412-2.ARJ    200268  07-26-93  TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 2 of 4
  821.                                | Version 4.12 has many new features: Multiple
  822.                                | upload and download directories, batch file
  823.                                | transfer status, video cache, high IRQ,
  824.                                | giving up control to DesqView and OS/2, more
  825. TM412-3.ARJ    197292  07-26-93  TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 3 of 4
  826. TM412-4.ARJ    251511  07-26-93  TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 4 of 4
  827.                                | Part 4 is the bundled GIFLink protocol driver
  828.                                | which allows you to view transmitting GIF
  829.                                | images in stunning SuperVGA graphics! Support
  830.                                | X/Y/Zmodem/CIS QuickB. Can skip receiving
  831.                                | images. Easy to install.
  832. TM_301.EXE      46327  11-02-92  TELIX FON Directory Sort & Move
  833.                                | Files: 6  Oldest: 10/8/92  Newest: 10/16/92
  834. TPCOM.EXE       30316  09-10-92  Turbo Pascal 6.0 Support for Serial Port /
  835.                                | Modem. This is a update of Wayne Conrad's
  836.                                | code to support the Serial Port with Pascal.
  837. TRM20.EXE      117660  09-30-92  The Hayes Technical reference manual revised
  838.                                | September 15, 1992..
  839. TSTMODEM.EXE    75790  06-17-92  Good Modem Tester - gives PORTS, IRQ more!
  840. TTCC10.ARJ      18224  01-03-93  Control Your Computer Remotely With A Touch
  841.                                | Tone Phone! Not User Friendly, But Powerful.
  842. TTLCTL.EXE     136904  07-03-92  TOTAL CONTROL 2.005 - Share 1 Phone Line With
  843.                                | And Answering Machine And/Or Fax And/or Dial
  844.                                | Remote to Your PC. Monitors All Calls And
  845.                                | Records Time & Length With Notify Feature.
  846. TXZM220.EXE     55619  09-05-92  TXZM (Texas Zmodem), v2.20 is a ZMODEM
  847.                                | protocol that was developed to demonstrate
  848.                                | the speed and capabilities of the MCOMM C
  849.                                | serial communications library.  The small
  850.                                | model, shareware version of this library
  851.                                | can be found in file MCOMM552.EXE.  It's
  852.                                | free and can be used as a drop-in
  853.                                | replacement for DSZ.
  854.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 8/14/92  Newest: 8/14/92
  855. TXZM220T.ARJ    44167  04-29-93  Zmodem Protocol - Texas Zmodem v2.20 - A
  856.                                | substitute of DSZ ! -Default to TONE type
  857.                                | Phones. - May be used as TERMINAL program.
  858.                                | FREE for non-comercial sites !
  859. UARTTY12.EXE    24119  10-06-92  Check UART, if 16650, turn on/off buffer.
  860. UFTN.EXE        93693  10-27-92  Fax Network Protocal,New,Nifty,Neat + Nice!!!
  861. UUEXE512.EXE    45865  06-18-92  Convert Binary Files to ASCII And Back, so
  862.                                | They May be Sent Via E-Mail Services. 
  863. VZBETA12.ARJ    68587  01-02-93  Visual ZModem, DSZ compatible file transfer.
  864. WAKESYS.ARJ     72186  06-04-93  24-Hr Telephone Wake-Up Service System a 
  865.                                | Shareware Demo Program of an Automated
  866.                                | Home-Based Business.
  867.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-15-93)
  868. WC094A.ARJ      23807  04-07-93  WinCIS .94 Beta - CompuServe Navigator A
  869.                                | shareware Windows automation program.
  870.                                | Excellent interface, improved file transfer
  871.                                | rates. Latest Beta release. Currently free to
  872.                                | all willing to test it. A good replacement
  873.                                | for OzCIS, and an excellent companion to
  874.                                | WinCIM. Requires VBRUN200.DLL. File A  1 of 3
  875. WC094B.ARJ     315220  04-07-93  WinCIS .94 Beta - CompuServe Navigator This
  876.                                | if file B (2 of 3). 
  877. WC094C.ARJ     269191  04-07-93  WinCIS .94 Beta - CompuServe Navigator this
  878.                                | is file C (3 of 3). 
  879. WILDCAT1.EXE   290501  05-10-92  WildCat is an excellent BBS is a complete 
  880. WILDCAT2.EXE   243863  05-10-92  system with many features of RBBS, easier to 
  881.                                | setup.
  882. WRBBS100.ARJ   236028  01-08-93  WR-BBS version 1.00 - BBS program
  883.                                | Single node BBS, easy to configure and run.
  884.                                | Files: 139  Oldest: 1/2/93  Newest: 1/2/93
  885. WTCHDG.EXE      24599  08-15-92  WatchDog 1.20 is a resident utility designed
  886.                                | for BBS'es and other remote operated compu-
  887.                                | ters. It monitors the Carrier on a COM port,
  888.                                | and also detects hanging programs (e.g.
  889.                                | faulty doorways). If carrier is lost or a
  890.                                | program hangs, the computer is rebooted.
  891.                                | Reboot may be delayed to allow lazy-write
  892.                                | caches flush their data to disk.
  893.                                | NEW: reboot at a specific ring count.
  894.                                | Zero-Registration Shareware        07-27-92.
  895. YAMDEMO!.EXE   191771  11-10-92  Professional YAM from Omen Technology with
  896.                                | dialing queue, Kermit/SuperKermit/X/Y/Z/Z
  897.                                | MobyTurbo.  DEMO designed to go w/YamHLP 1/2
  898.                                | 11/03/92 version. Needs YAMHELP.EXE.
  899.                                | Files: 17  Oldest: 5/24/85  Newest: 11/3/92
  900. YAMHELP.EXE    107748  11-10-92  Tree structed "flash-up" help for Pro-YAM 2/2
  901.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 10/29/92  Newest: 11/3/92
  902. ZBOOT21!.EXE    41480  11-17-92  Simple DSZ/Comm Program Interface v2.1.
  903. ZCEX1109.EXE   131072  11-14-92  ZCOMM: Shareware subset of Pro-YAM/Forsberg
  904.                                | v18.01! Powerful/complex comm program
  905.                                | w/excellent protocol support. (-AV by
  906.                                | author). 11-9-92 version.
  907. ZCOM10B.ARJ    169456  04-17-93  Zcom-1 v1.0B: very easy to use communications
  908.                                | program that allows Zmodem uploads/downloads;
  909.                                | w/capture file, modem selection, up to 8 com
  910.                                | port access, etc.; designed for folks without
  911.                                | much exposure to these types of programs;
  912.                                | 03/22/93; Ronald Scheckelhoff/ Main Street
  913.                                | Software.
  914. ZMOD1310.EXE    57875  07-03-92  ZMODEM 13.10 DSZ Zmodem Compatible External
  915.                                | Protocol, With Full 32 Bit Crc Error
  916.                                | Detection, Colour Screen. 
  917. ZR300PB.ARJ    144045  02-24-93  ZyRion 3.00 public beta of this great new
  918.                                | high speed (and I mean HIGH speed!) protocol.
  919.                                | Get this now and check it out!!! Germany